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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Marathon Number 2

Once I finished my first full Marathon back in November 2013 I wasn't certain that I would EVER do that again. Since then I've pounded out 2000+ miles, numerous halfs, 5k's (which I strongly dislike but more on that later.), a couple of 10k's and hundreds and hundreds of just because miles.

I've decided, thru some crazy runner logic, to do it again. Somewhere along the way I've lost my "want to" in the PR department, I just get out there in a race setting and decide that whatever "thing" that's working against me (weather, feeling, gumption) wins and I run just and only to finish. I'm hoping that accomplishing this Full will give me back the desire to get better. 

The first time I tackled the beast that is the full marathon I ended up doing it alone. I was running it with my sister and she ended up injured mere weeks prior to the race and the last 8 miles (which are the hardest anyway) were just excruciating to me...I honestly felt they would never end. That being said, there is the possibility that I'll be completing this one by myself, but not alone. There are 6 of us training together and while we may not all run together we will start together and cheer each other in. These people 😊

So with that, training starts on Tuesday, it's all written out and planned. I will be wearing my Legend Compression for long runs, they are fantastic and look good too!  During the next few months (18 weeks) I'll run literally hundreds of miles and I'll enjoy the journey. The last 26.2 is just the icing on the cake. 

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