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Sunday, December 2, 2012

My December Challenge

On Facebook and Twitter I'm sure you've seen them, the "join us for a mile a day, 20 Burpees a day, etc". I've seen them, I've joined a few. I tried the Runners World Run Streak: run at least a mile a day from Thanksgiving to Christmas, I failed, already. I'm okay with failing, it makes us stronger people when we learn to fail, and GET BACK UP. From the day after thanksgiving until the first of December I only ran once. During that time I thought a lot about what I wanted out of running, where I wanted to be and how I'm in control of my health and running destiny.

My personal challenge is to run at least a mile a day from December 1 through Christmas Eve, 24 days of running whether I'm alone or with a friend. If I can do this then I know that I can complete my 2013 goals that I have set out for myself. It feels like I needed to change up the requirement for me, I wasn't ready to start when everyone else was. I'm ready now and I know that I can succeed:).

I set a goal for myself on Friday and beat it on Saturday, I just need to know that I have what it takes to be the queen of my fitness world. As a measuring "stick" I run 2 miles every now and again (more often than not lately, I'm stuck in a distance rut). I ran my first 2 mile run back in February of this year, I completed that in 30 minutes and 24 seconds. I'm still slow, but that's all relative, right? Yesterday I completed a 2 mile run in 21 min and 09 seconds!! You see it's all relative because I think taking over 9 minutes off of your time in a little less than a year is pretty darn good, and what really matters is what I think and feel. If I feel like I'm tearin' it up at a 10.5 minute mile then so be it!! Sure eventually I would love to be faster, for now though, I'm happy breaking my own PR's and feeling pretty good about it all.

So if I "fail" again, guess what. I'm going to start over and I will keep starting over until I'm satisfied. :)



  1. I love your attitude.
    It is okay to fail sometimes.
    I did the summer run streak, got injured, was to stubborn to quit, and ended up in physical therapy for 2 months with no running at all.
    Sometimes you just have to quit and try again later, I am working on learning that.

    1. Thanks!! Injuries scare me, I want to this Viking run (5k) in January but I have 3 1/2's and a full on my schedule next year so I think I'm going to skip it. It's a trail run with hills, mud & WILL be on my list to run next year though:)
      Don't quit you'll be back to good in no time:)

  2. Great goals to stay active! Like Abby, my body doesn't always like running every day, but I do try to move every day.
