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Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Desire to Keep Running

I'm not sure about anyone else but I need a goal, something in front of me to push me to continue. Simply saying I need to do it doesn't always work, I need a goal line, a finish (a ticker tape parade would be great;)). So I've signed up for my first MudRun, 5k of mud and obstacles. I don't think I will fully know or realize what that means until after the fact. I've run in rain, snow and sleet; so what's a little mud, right?!?!
I like knowing that I have to finish something, that I've signed up to do this and there may actually be PEOPLE watching. It makes me push just a little bit harder and strive for just a little bit more. I know what a PB is, I ran track in middle school, the lingo is not lost on me. However, it never really meant anything to me until lately. I want a better time, I don't need a medal. I just want, no I NEED, a better time. I'm not the fastest, don't need to be I'm not 20 anymore, but I do need to beat ME.
I have a desire to keep running, a will that wasn't there before. I hope it's always there:)
Run On!

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